Saturday 9 April 2016

Role models?

Ironically fools day was the day I had my life's first interview to attend ( not sure who fooled who though lol ). I was casually asked about who was my women role model. Expected normal question but a tricky one for someone like me who doesn't believe in having one role model. I stressed my mind a lot to find an answer which would be real and also taken seriously. Well I couldn't say the most clichéd mother Theresa coz though I admire her a lot ,I don't think I ve it in me to be anything like her or even if i wanted to be her. I avoided saying Indira Gandhi to be apolitical. Finally i said Sushmita Sen n I certainly look up to her as a woman of substance. But the thought which stroke me when i was asked that question was that most of us really don't distinguish between men and women wen we look up to someone right? We just look for qualities which we aspire to have. You don't really need to be a woman to appreciate a woman or otherwise for men right? Yes there may be certain things we can understand and appreciate better about our own gender. But when it comes to qualities, there are so many qualities of different individuals that inspire us irrespective of gender. For me its a big list consisting of equanimity from Rahman Sir ; excelling under pressure from Virat kohli ; articulation of Mr. Amitabh Bachan ; humility from Kalam sir..
Wel I am greedy and list goes on and on.


  1. Nice written.. Yeah role model is n shud be gender neutral. And yes u always look upon to the quLitiest irrespective of the gender.
