Tuesday, 19 April 2016

The power of silence

Have you ever thought of running away from a place because everyone around suddenly fell silent in the middle of a  conversation?  Well i have. As a teenager I used to have constant chatter in my head and felt quite uneasy in situations where I had no choice but remain silent. With time,experience and a little maturity I have struck a deal with silence and often find comfort in it now. I ve realized that quieter you become , more you hear yourself and connect. Moreover , in certain circumstances silence is a far safer option because meaningful silence is always better than meaningless words. However, silence can even be fun when used to torture the one who expects you to be enraged. But astonishingly, have you ever noticed that silence can be so paradoxical. It can be beautiful or painful depending on the circumstances.
      It is love when two people are dying to speak but don't know where to start from. It is hurt when the same duo doesn't have anything left to say.
      It is solace when u want to converse with yourself ; irritating when you are running away from your truth.
      It is breathtakingly beautiful when silence is between you and nature ; numbingly painful when amidst the same nature you feel lonely.
But they say even pain is beautiful occasionally !  Not such a paradox may be ? :-/


  1. Silence can be both beautiful and painful. And pain can be beautiful at times. Paradox in a paradox huh? :D Beautifully penned down the depth of your thoughts Akka! Silence is a double edged sword.It's so very beautiful to be calm when one is expected to be enraged and the same time piercingly painful when one receives silence from the the dearest of the people.
    Lastly, here is a quote very dear to me and something that I experience deeply in my silence - “I have found both freedom and safety in my madness; the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us.”

    1. Silence is ur most powerful weapon :-P u wil know better..lol :-D Now I know why u don't want to be understood !

  2. This write up made my heart overwhelmed 😊. It is filled with innocence, hope, and good cheer. With good flow of emotions. Well done anu keep going.

  3. Beautifully expressed that to sooo silently.. 😉Paradoxically precise
    @ apoorva's comment.. " Blog within a blog "😁😛

    1. ;-) :-P Thank you! Ha ha.. Glad that she has so much to say :-D
